Financial markets
Cross-border transactions with minimal market risk
Studio FRESH
- Unikátní podcast na českém bankovním i analytickém trhu
- Ekonomové Jan Bureš a Dominik Rusinko
- Hosté z oblasti finančních trhů
- Aktuální témata ze světa ekonomiky

FX hedging
- Protect yourself against unfavourable fluctuations on the foreign exchange market
- Lock in the exchange rate for a specific transaction or foreign exchange flow
- The rate can be locked in at a specific value or in a range
- We will help you better plan financial costs and revenues

Spot operations
- Buy and sell any currency at the best rate
- Negotiate rates easily through our dealer
- Electronic trading via CEB online banking
- Quick settlement between own accounts

Trade Finance
- Choose the financing structure that best suits your needs
- All services regarding export loans
- Debt purchase
- Bank guarantees
- Documentary trasactions
We are financial markets experts and will be happy to help you