Investment Portal

Investment Portal

Manage your investment portfolio online

  • You have a perfect overview of your investments
  • You can actively buy and sell investments
  • Follow investment reports, news and tips
  • For both beginners and experienced investors
  • Investment opportunities from around the world await you

The Investment portal is such an "internet banking" for investments. There is for everyone who has at least one investment in ČSOB:

In the Investment Portal you can see the current status of all your investments, you can buy and sell online. You have a choice of investment opportunities from around the world or tips from your banker.

Our Investment Portal is full of action. It is used by more than 3600,000 clients.

Portfolio s cíli bude přehlednější

Když před sebou vidíte cíl, snadněji ho dosáhnete. Podmínky cílů si modelujte sami v Investičním portálu:

  • Nastavíte si míru rizika
  • Zvolíte investiční horizont
  • Určíte si, jak moc Vás zajímají zodpovědné investice

Návod, jak si portfolio rozdělíte do cílů

Cíle v portfoliu

How else do I access the Investment Portal?

  1. Sign in to your Internet Banking
  2. This can be done using the top bar – click on your name > Portal Access > Investment Portal
  3. It is also possible to click E-shop Investments > Investment Products
  4. You can also access this via mobile banking – Offers – Investments > Other investments

Keep in mind that the value of the investments may fluctuate and the returns are not guaranteed.