ČSOB Drobné
And what will you buy with your change?
Main benefits
Money invested under the ČSOB Drobné service is not covered by the deposit insurance scheme, its value may fluctuate, and its return is not guaranteed. From a target market perspective, the service is intended for retail investors. They should have at least basic knowledge of investments, a Very Defensive or higher profile with a recommended investment horizon of 3 years. They expect the value of investment to grow over time to achieve a return on their investment. Information about fees and risks can be found on the page of the fund you are investing in.

How does the Drobné service work? Automatically!
You invest small amounts every time you make a regular purchase. The small change will not just disappear; it can appreciate in value.
- We will round up each card payment to the nearest CZK 20
- We will set aside your rounded up money
- Once you have accumulated CZK 300, we will invest it
There is nothing like personal experience – read a bit about it.
You can improve your Drobné service
Switch to Turbo and go all the way
- The essence of Drobné remains the same, only you set aside twice, three times or even five times as much money
- You can slow down, speed up or turn off the acceleration at any time
- The service is activated free of charge
You can choose the fund where your money will be doing its work
- You can change your fund at any time
- You invest according to your expectations
- Changing the fund is free of charge
How exactly does the ČSOB Drobné service work?
The whole service is linked to the current account to which your payment card is issued. Each time you pay with the card, we round the amount to the nearest value divisible by 20. We accumulate the rounded money in your account until you reach the amount of CZK 300. We then invest that money in investment funds, i.e., we buy whole unit certificates with it. These have a current market value that accurately determines the amount you invest. For example, if 24 unit certificates cost CZK 299.50, we only invest CZK 299.50, not the full CZK 300. The remaining 50 hellers become part of your available balance in your current account.
The money in the fund will work for you and if you ever need it back, you can sell the investment and have the money back on your account within 5 days.
Examples from everyday life: | Lunch at a restaurant | Shopping in a supermarket | New TV |
You pay | CZK 159 | CZK 663 | CZK 14 990 |
You invest | CZK 1 | CZK 17 | CZK 10 |
We will round up to | CZK 160 | CZK 680 | CZK 15 000 |
How will the Drobne service appear on my current account statement?
Once you have accumulated CZK 300 and we have bought the chosen fund unit certificates with that money, you will see the exact amount of your investment in your bank statement.
Is the money held even if the payment value is already even and a multiple of 20?
No, it is not. Amounts that are themselves a multiple of 20 (e.g.,: CZK 100, CZK 500, CZK 1,000, but also CZK 120, CZK 340, CZK 560, CZK 780, etc.) are not rounded up.
With which cards are payments rounded up?
After activating the Drobne service, the amounts are rounded up for payments made using the cards issued with your accounts (for all current and credit accounts – i.e. both debit and credit cards). Please note that this also applies to the cards issued for your family members providing them access to the money in your accounts.
How can I arrange the service?
Simply activate the ČSOB Drobné service on your phone or contact a branch for assistance.
The quickest way is via the Smart mobile banking app (select Menu → Investments → ČSOB Drobne).
Other FAQs
Where is the money held when paying by credit card?
Funds are always blocked in the current account specified in the Investment Services Agreement, including from credit card payments. The amount held does not increase the credit card limit.
What about payments in foreign currencies?
Suppose you are making a payment in a foreign currency. In that case, the amount will always be rounded up using the exchange rate applicable on the day the payment is made (not on the day the payment is actually charged, which may be later and at a different rate). For example, if you pay EUR 10 at the exchange rate of 25 CZK/EUR, the amount of CZK 250 will be rounded up to CZK 260 and CZK 10 will be transferred to your Drobne service. However, before the card transaction is charged, the exchange rate may change to 24.50 CZK/EUR – meaning 245 CZK. The adjustment will not increase back to 15 CZK, as the exchange rate change has no effect on it.
I’d like to invest more. Is it possible to increase the amount to be rounded up?
It is impossible to change the amount rounded; the amount to be invested is always rounded to the nearest CZK 20. However, you can set up Turbo, multiplying the saved amount and sending you more money to work with.
How much can I invest on average per month when paying by card?
Our clients invest an average of CZK 241 per month via the ČSOB Drobne service.
What do I need to set up ČSOB Drobne?
It is sufficient to have a current account in CZK and the Investment Services Agreement. If you do not have it, simply sign it electronically when you activate the Drobne service.
How can I select the fund in which my petty change will be invested?
When activating the Drobné service, you answer five questions in an abbreviated investment questionnaire. Based on the results, we will recommend the default investment fund. If you would like to change it, it is necessary to complete the full version of the investment questionnaire. You can change the fund in the Smart Application using the ČSOB Drobné tile under the “Settings” tab.
Who can apply for ČSOB Drobne?
Any client who meets the following criteria may apply for the Drobne service:
- Legal adult
- Legally competent
- No current distraint proceedings
- The client also needs to be the owner of a ČSOB:
- current account
- debit or credit card
How does Turbo work?
The principle of the ČSOB Drobne service remains the same; Turbo only multiplies the amount you set aside from each payment – double, triple times or five times. You have a total of three speeds to choose from, and you can increase, decrease or turn it off at any time.
How to activate Turbo?
For the Turbo service, you need the complete investment questionnaire (the short version is sufficient for the Drobné service). You can complete it when activating the Turbo service in Smart – on the home page, select “Settings” on the ČSOB Drobné tile.
How can I manage the Drobné service and where do I find out how my petty change is doing?
Simply in the Investment Portal, which you can access via your Internet or mobile banking. In the upper right corner, click on your name and select the Investment Portal. Here you can find a perfect overview and the complete administration of your investments.
Is it possible to suspend the Drobné service?
Yes, you can suspend the rounding-up for up to 30 days and you can restart it at any point. If you do not restart it sooner, it always restarts after the 30 days. Everything can be set up in the ČSOB Smart app.