About the KBC Group

ČSOB is a 100% subsidiary of KBC Bank NV. The sole shareholder of KBC Bank is KBC Group NV. KBC Bank and KBC Group have their registered offices at the address: Havenlaan 2, B-1080 Brussels (Sint-Jans Molenbeek), Belgium.

KBC Group is an integrated bank-insurance group catering mainly for retail, private banking, SME and mid-cap clients. Geographically, KBC focuses on core markets of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria. KBC has a limited presence elsewhere, primarily to support corporate clients from the core markets. As of the end of 2024, the KBC Group served 13 million clients in its home markets, and employed approximately 40,000 employees, approximately 60% of which in Central and Eastern Europe.

Effective 1 January 2013, KBC Group has organised its operations in key markets into three business divisions: Belgium, Czech Republic and International Markets. The Czech Republic division includes all of KBC Group’s business operations in the Czech Republic.

More information can be found on the website www.kbc.com.

KBC Group Shareholders

Shareholder structure (December 2023) Share in %
KBC Ancora 18.6
Cera 3.7
MRBB 11.5
Other core shareholders 7.4
Total core shareholders 41.2
Free float 58.8
Total 100

(Source: KBC Group 2023 Annual Report)

KBC Group shares are traded on the Euronext stock exchange in Brussels.

Financial Data

Key Indicators of the KBC Group Currency 31. 12. 2022 31. 12. 2023
Total assets billion EUR 354.5 346.9
Loans and advances to customers (excl. reverse repo operations) billion EUR 178.1 183.6
Deposits from customers and debt securities (excl. repo operations) billion EUR 224.4 216.4
Net profit, group share billion EUR 2 818 3 402
Common equity ratio, group level (Basel III, fully loaded) % 15.3 15.2
Cost/income ratio, banking % 45 43

(Source: KBC Group 2023 Annual Report)

Long-term Rating

Long-term Rating (March 2024) Fitch Moody’s S & P
KBC Bank NV A+ A1 A+
KBC Insurance NV A
KBC Group NV A Baa1 A−

(Source: KBC Group 2023 Annual Report)