Duo Profit
What you may be wondering
Actual interest rate Duo Profit
5,25 % p.a.
pro vklad do 250 000 Kč
3,50 % p.a.
pro vklad od 250 000,01 Kč
do 500 000 Kč
3,50 % p.a.
pro vklad od 500 000,01 Kč
do 1 000 000 Kč
How does Duo Profit work with a savings account?
You can divide your savings into two piles, which will add up at least CZK 60,000. You invest the same or larger pile in funds. The second stack remains in the savings account. When you need your money back quickly, you have it available for free the next day. You will receive the invested money within a few days.
Can I open an investment or savings account separately?
Of course you can, but under different conditions. In Duo Profit, you get a better savings rate per year.
Are there any entry fees for Duo Profit?
The savings themselves are free of entry fees. If you make an early withdrawal from a term deposit, you will pay a fee of 1% of the amount withdrawn (min. CZK 50). In the investment part you pay a fee of min. 1% of the invested amount (even if you divide the money into several funds). Exceptions are the funds ČSOB Opatrný responsible, ČSOB Premium Opatrný responsible, ČSOB Odvážný responsible and ČSOB Premium Odvážný zodpovědný. If you only invest in them, the entry fee is 0.5%.
Can I save more money than I invest at the increased rate?
You can’t. The amount invested must always be equal to or higher than the amount in savings.
Unlike deposit products (current or savings account, term deposits), mutual funds do not fall under the deposit insurance scheme.