Building Savings
How to open a building savings?
How does a building society work?
A building society savings account gives you value for your savings through interest and state support. It is useful when you want to build a financial reserve or want to get a favourable home loan or mortgage in the future.
Interest and the advance payment of state aid are credited to the building society account once a year. To get state support, you need to save for at least six years or take out a loan from a building society. If you end your contract early, you unfortunately lose your state support.
When you arrange a building society savings account, you choose a target amount depending on how much you want to save. The minimum deposit (0.25% of the target amount) that you must save monthly for the building society is based on the target amount. The lowest target amount you can choose is CZK 200,000, so the lowest possible deposit is CZK 500 per month.
If you plan to take out a building society loan, the target amount is chosen according to the amount of the future loan. We can help you make these decisions at the branch.
As soon as two years after you start saving, you can qualify for a regular building society loan if you meet the other conditions. It guarantees you an interest rate of 4,5% for the entire repayment period. You can use it to buy, build or renovate a property.
And if you need money for a home sooner, you can use a bridging loan. This allows us to lend you money without waiting for a proper loan with a guaranteed interest rate.
How much does it cost to set up a building society account? Will I be paying any fees?
We offer free contract conclusion for all target amounts. You only pay an account maintenance fee of CZK 360 per year.
What is the minimum amount I can start saving?
The minimum amount you can start saving is CZK 500 per month.
How does state aid work?
You must save for at least six years to qualify for state support. If you decide to stop saving early, you will unfortunately lose the state support. You don't need to do anything to get the state aid, it will be automatically credited to your building society account for the entire period of saving. You can split it between several contracts. The amount of state aid is based on the amount saved. The maximum amount of support for one building savings participant for one year is 10% of the saved amount of CZK 20,000, i.e., CZK 2,000.
If you apply for support for more than one building savings account, the state aid advances are then paid in priority to the accounts opened earlier until the annual maximum limit is reached.
Anything you save in excess of CZK 20,000 on one contract in a year is carried over to your state support base for the following year.
What is a target amount and do I need to save up to it?
The target amount is set when you arrange a building savings plan according to how much you want to save in six years. It includes future deposits, state aid, interest on these (less 15% tax on interest) and any loan (if you plan to apply for a home loan).
If you want to use your building society savings to earn interest, this is more of an indicative amount. However, it is important to know that the target amount on the contract must not be exceeded.