Green mortgage

Mortgage for energy efficient housing

We'll lend you money at a better interest rate to save money on your home

  • For properties in energy class A or B
  • A preferred fixed interest rate for 5 years from 6,04%, p.a. for up to 70% of the value of the collateral (RPSN 6,93%)
  • A 30% discount on Our Home property insurance, which also protects solar panels, heat recovery, heat pumps and other technologies
  • A 30% discount on energy label preparation

Jak získat odměnu 3 000 Kč za online podání žádosti o hypotéku

Benefit 1
O hypotéku požádatejte online sami v ČSOB Smart nebo Internetovém bankovnictví
V případě nejasností vám pomůže i hypoteční specialista nebo bankéř na pobočce, sjednejte si schůzku.
Benefit 2
Podepsání hypoték
Přípravíme smluvní dokumentaci, kterou byste měli stihnout podepsat do 60 dnů od online podání žádosti.
Benefit 3
Abychom vám mohli vyplatit odměnu, potřebujete mít u nás účet.
Pokud ho ještě nemáte, nejrychleji si ho zřídíte online.
Benefit 4
Pošleme vám 3 000 Kč
Jakmile podepíšete hypotéku, další měsíc je odměna vaše (pravidla akce).
Výhody za aktivitu

Sjednejte si novou hypotéku se slevou 0,3 % z úrokové sazby. Stačí ji splácet z účtu, na který vám každý měsíc přijde aspoň 15 000 Kč a 5× měsíčně zaplatit kartou.

Kompletní pravidla akce
Hypotéky nás baví, proto jsme 1 v bydlení! K novému bydlení jsme pomohli už více než 330 000 z vás.

Využijte dotaci až 2 000 000 Kč na rekonstrukci

  • Ukážeme návrh úsporných řešení
  • Poradíme, jak využít dotace od státu
  • Pomůžeme s financováním rekonstrukce

Calculate a custom mortgage online

You can calculate your payments and guaranteed interest rate online in a few minutes and without obligation. Simply enter a few details about yourself and the purpose for which you wish to use the mortgage.

  • The offer is completely non-binding
  • Interest rate guaranteed for 30 days
  • You can return to a saved offer at any time
We love mortgages, that's why we are number 1 in housing! We have helped more than 330,000 of you buy a new home.


Why is it worthwhile to buy a cost-efficient home?

Every house is different. The time it was built, where it was built, the money that went into it, and your habits and behaviour all determine how much it will cost you per year. Housing, electricity, water and fuel costs account on average for around 25% of regular monthly household expenditures in the Czech Republic. Our example shows how annual costs can vary in different energy classes.

Just imagine what you would be able to do in retirement with the more than CZK 1,000,000 you would have saved over 25 years of running a very economical house (compared to an extremely inefficient house).

What is an energy performance certificate (EPC)?

The energy consumption of a building includes energy for heating, hot water, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning, and lighting. The building is then classified into one of seven energy performance classes (A to G), ranging from "extremely energy efficient" (A) to "extremely wasteful" (G).

An energy performance certificate is required:

  • when applying for a building permit or building notification
  • for renovation – if more than 25% of the building envelope is renovated
  • when selling or renting a house

Live efficiently with state support

The state offers significant assistance in reducing the energy consumption of your home, whether it is a new or previously built single-family home. Save costs and nature with the most accessible financial support instrument – the New Green Savings Programme (NGS) 2021+.


Jak využít dotace na úsporné bydlení?

Dejte nám své telefonní číslo a náš specializovaný tým se vám ozve a provede světem dotací na úsporné bydlení.

Zajímá vás, jak si udělat bydlení úspornější?

Stáhněte si náš nový eBook zdarma. Najdete v něm užitečné rady a tipy, na co se při stavbě či rekonstrukci zaměřit, abyste mohli bydlet lépe a úsporněji.


Can I take out a mortgage if I have nothing saved?

We can lend up to 90% of the value of the mortgaged property to clients under the age of 36 (otherwise max. 80%). If you own your own land, we can also count the value of the land and other real estate as equity when you build your house, i.e., it can be used as collateral for the loan, so you won't need at least 10% of your own funds.

How long will everything take before I can draw on the money?

The length of mortgage processing is individual and depends to a great extent on the length of the property valuation. It usually takes five business days for the loan application to be assessed once all the necessary documents have been submitted.

What documents will I need to apply for a mortgage?

This depends on the purpose of your mortgage, your source of income and the subject of the collateral. Some documents, such as a recent extract from the land registry, a cadastral map or a property appraisal, we will procure ourselves to save you the time of going to the authorities. We will need proof of identity, documents for the purpose of the loan – the purchase contract, the construction contract and proof of regular income. Our clients have even simpler processing because they usually do not have to prove their income.

How does property valuation work?

It always depends on the specific property. If it's an apartment or a house in a community with more than 10,000 inhabitants, we can make an estimate of the property online free of charge. In other cases, our expert or outsourced appraiser will perform a free property valuation.

What insurance will I need for my mortgage?

The mortgage loan is secured by a lien on the property, which must be insured. It is also advisable to insure your ability to repay the mortgage. Life insurance can help you avoid future risks associated with the inability to make payments, for example, due to loss of employment, accident and incapacity to work.

Show more questions


Vybrané služby Cena
Expresní ocenění bytu (pomocí cenové mapy pro vybrané lokality) zdarma
Poskytnutí úvěru na bydlení zdarma
Zaslání výpisu k úvěru e-mailem zdarma

Poplatky uvedené v této části jsou výňatkem z plného znění, které naleznete včetně termínu jejich splatnosti v našem Sazebníku. Všechny úrokové sazby jsme pro vás připravili v přehledu.

Conditions for obtaining the interest rate and a free valuation

The interest rates for special-purpose loans up to 90% of the value of the property with a fixation period of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 years include:

  • a discount for mortgage payments by direct debit from an existing current account held with ČSOB or Poštovní spořitelna for at least three months on the condition of an account balance in the amount of at least 1.5 times the monthly mortgage payment
  • discount for mortgage payments by direct debit from the co-borrower's current account with ČSOB or Poštovní spořitelna along with a property insurance policy from ČSOB Pojišt'ovna. This discount can be replaced by a discount for taking out a life insurance policy with ČSOB Pojišt'ovna.

If any of these conditions are not met, the interest rate is increased by 0.3 percentage points. The interest rate applies if two people apply for the loan.

The interest rates of the American mortgage are valid provided that two persons apply for the loan and that they set up a direct debit from a current account they have had with ČSOB or Poštovní spořitelna for at least three months.

Failure to meet any of the above conditions is not a barrier to receiving a mortgage loan, but in this case you are not entitled to the relevant interest rate. For more information on the conditions for obtaining the interest rate, please contact the branches of ČSOB and Poštovní spořitelna.

A free property valuation can be obtained when you apply for a valuation as of 17 February 2020. This special offer is valid until revoked.

Failure to meet any of the above conditions is not a barrier to receiving a mortgage loan, but in this case you are not entitled to the relevant interest rate. Calculations are only estimates. The actual financing options will be communicated to you by ČSOB based on an assessment of your specific situation.

Mortgage for energy efficient housing model

  • Provider: Hypoteční banka, a.s.
  • Total loan amount: CZK 3,350,000
  • Deadline for the one-time release of the full loan: 12 months after the contract is signed
  • The duration of the loan from the date funds are released: 30 years
  • Fixed interest rate: 5.09% p.a. with 3-year fixation
  • Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APR): 5.86%
  • Total amount paid by the client: CZK 6,994,583
  • Monthly payment: CZK 18,168
  • Number of payments: 360
  • Two people are applying for the loan
  • The loan must be secured by a lien on the property; the example above involves a lien on a property with a value of at least CZK 4,785,720
  • Arranged direct debit from a current account that has been held with ČSOB/Poštovní spořitelna for at least three months

The monthly payment referred to above includes the monthly payment of principal, interest and the recurring charges listed below, paid on a monthly basis.

The calculation of the APR and the total amount paid by the client takes into account the expected payment of one-off fees on the dates and in the amounts shown below:

One-off fee Anticipated payment date Anticipated amount
Reimbursement of cost of property valuation* For taking out the mortgage CZK 0 
Administrative fee for the application for registration of a lien (paid to the administrative authority) For taking out the mortgage CZK 2000
For verification of two signatures (paid to the administrative authority) For taking out the mortgage CZK 100
Mortgage fund release based on the submitted application for lien registration in the land registry For taking out the mortgage CZK 2,200
First fund release requested at a branch or by mail When drawing on funds 12 months after signing the loan agreement CZK 1,000;
when using the Mortgage Zone CZK 0 
For sending an instruction to delete the lien from the land registry, including the related administrative fee in the total amount of Upon loan termination CZK 3,000

In addition, the anticipated payment of recurring fees on the dates and in the amounts set out below has been taken into account:

Recurring fee Anticipated payment date Anticipated amount
For loan administration (with the No Loan Administration Fee option, with this fee reflected in the interest rate of the loan) At the end of each month for the duration of the loan CZK 0
For sending a loan statement by email At the end of each month for the duration of the loan CZK 0
For life insurance At the end of each month for the duration of the loan CZK 1,016
For property insurance At the end of each month for the duration of the loan (once the loan is drawn on) CZK 210
Mailing confirmation of interest paid for the calendar year As of January 15 each year for the duration of the loan (once the loan is drawn on) CZK 150

* the property valuation fee is free of charge with the Mortgage for energy efficient housing

Important notice:

This document is not a proposal for concluding an agreement.

Please also note that all calculations and data shown, including the interest rate and loan payment amount, are for illustrative purposes only. The above example is based on parameters corresponding to those of an average loan currently provided by a bank. The final parameters of the loan may vary depending on your credit rating and the results of your credit assessment and will be set out in pre-contractual information and the loan agreement.

ČSOB Mortgage contracts are concluded by Československá obchodní banka, a.s. as an independent intermediary exclusively on behalf of the provider, Hypoteční banka, a.s., a member of the ČSOB Financial Group. It does not provide advice pursuant to Act No. 257/2016 Coll. on consumer loans.

Loan provider: Hypoteční banka, a.s., the insurance provider is ČSOB pojišťovna, a.s.


All information given here is of an informative nature. This website does not constitute an offer to conclude a contract, a promise to conclude a contract, an announcement of a public tender for the most suitable offer, a public offer or any other legal action by ČSOB or Hypoteční banka. This is regardless of their content or designation; if any information has the content of a legal act of ČSOB or Hypoteční banka, it is exclusively a legally non-binding informative communication, even when not specifically designated as such.