Credit Card

Credit Card

It is worth using it every day

  • Money at your fingertips any time free of charge for up to 55 days
  • Goods purchased with the card are insured against breakage and theft for 6 months
  • Extended warranty insurance +1 year included in the price
  • Without monthly fee if you spend at least CZK 3,000 per month

More than credit card

When you pay with our credit card, you will receive additional 12 months of protection for selected goods (mainly electronics) and for a period of 6 months from purchase, insurance against damage, theft and destruction.

For example, if the display of a new mobile phone that you bought with a credit card breaks, all you have to do is call and we will reimburse you for the repair. The insurance protects:

  • Mobiles and tablets
  • Electronics
  • Home appliances
  • Tools

Jak kreditka funguje a kolik mě to bude stát?

Když kreditku splatíte v rámci bezúročného období, nebude vás stát ani korunu. Pokud se vám to nepovede, tak za každou půjčenou tisícovku po dobu 30 dnů zaplatíte na naběhlých úrocích 19 korun. Vzorový příklad


All fees can be found in our Pricelist and interest rates in this Overview.

Potřebujete se na něco zeptat?

Stačí nám na sebe nechat telefon a zavoláme vám

Documents for download

Remaining documents for download can be found on this webpage (in Czech only).

Representative example

Standard credit card with CZK 40,000 line of credit: floating rate 22.9% p.a., APRC 29.1%, repayment period 12 months, CZK 60 monthly service fee for a credit card connected with an account, CZK 3,806 average monthly instalment, CZK 45,666 total repayment. The actual instalment amount depends on the amount utilised. This is not a proposal to conclude a contract.